As you can see below, the combined boards form one large illustration. Players can rearrange the boards to create their own stories because the whole picture is modular.

The first stage consisted of simple sketches, on which I planned the composition of the illustrations. On them, I also marked the shape of the road and the river on the cards.

The second step was a more accurate pencil sketch. On it, I have drawn the appearance of figures and objects in more detail.

The third step was the lineart. At this stage, I have already drawn the entire illustration with all the details.

The fourth stage was underpainting. At this stage, I designed the backgrounds of the illustrations in such a way that they connect with each other and I chose the main color for the entire set of illustrations.

The final stage is a colored illustration. At this stage, I also added highlights, shadows, patterns and details.

And here you can see a GIF showing how the whole modular picture was created: